

Tabloid - A tabloid newspaper consists of very bright re colours and big bold headlines and uses, unlike a broadsheet a wide range of different slang terms and phrases to try and appeal to the audience more because tabloid's usually aim to be targeted towards a much younger audience. Tabloids can also be recognised as red tops due to the bright red colours on the masthead usually linked with magazines like the daily mirror and the sun Broadsheet -  A broadsheet news paper consists of one big image and it littered with writing and information all over and unlike a tabloid the language in a broadsheet is very much proper English and does not speak with slang at all.  In this we can see a very right wing and very left wing opinion on politics. In the mirror we can see them almost excluding Tories as credible by making sure everyone knew it was the Tory's who said it. And in the daily mail we can see that they are very much celebrating with the use of the word 'Finally!'  O

Drug Campaign


Energy Drink



Username - BodminMedia Password - mediarocks  
Friday 30th September  Lights Camera Action Shot Type  Establishing Shot - usually used in opening of a scene or transition between scenes. Can introduce alot of different things. Master Shot - Usually used to emphasis who's in the scene. Captures the scene in its entirety. Wide Shot - used when you need to make a character seem lost or overwhelmed. Usually shows isolation. Similar to an establishing but has people in instead. Long Shot - used to present a character in their entirety  Medium Long - from waist and above and the angle a little bit below the person so they look confident and confrontational and powerful Mid Shot - Neutral shot, middle of the torso and above usually  Medium Close Up -  captures reaction change well Close Up - shows empathy within the characters Extreme Close Up - highlights one specific area of the face (usually eyes)  Insert Shot - extreme close up on an abject rather than a person, highlights importance  Camera Angle Low Angle - Used to make characte

Skills Development

 9th September 2022 L/O: to research, plan and produce a product in response to a brief  My Genre -  Techno Band Name -  Distorted  Album Name - Hypnosis    Song List -  Rave  Sub-Zero Scorpion  Chillerz Endless Night Sanity  Context High Altitude  Moon Night  Brightness Tour Venues & Dates -  2nd June 2023, North London England 5th June 2023, Birmingham England  7th June 2023, Plymouth England 11th June 2023, Manchester England 14th June 2023,  Leeds England  16th June 2023, South London England 19th June 2023, Blackpool England  22nd June 2023, Liverpool England Website Homepage Elements Needed -  SM Site & Content Idea -  Instagram & use a similar design to the front cover but make it a little more simple and then add all of the dates into the caption of the image Genre Conventions -  Bright lights  Dark/Black Backgrounds  Sans Serif Typeface / Very Blocky sometimes slightly slanted  Images can be close up faces shots but can also be different shapes under different ligh

Media Intro

My name is Jamie and I decided to choose Media because i enjoyed it at GCSE and have thoughts of pursuing a career in media and film production.