TV Drama

Tuesday 29th November 2022

Tv Drama 

- Section B looks at long form TV drama

- It is 60% of the paper

- Need to apply academic ideas


Central characters: Blonde Women, John Snow

Main Storyline: Realm, Wars, Living vs Dead

Subplots: Battle, Watch,  

Characters: Ice Bloke 


Central Characters: Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Hank, Kid named finger, Gustavo Fring 

Main Storyline: Cooking meth, Making money

Subplots: Getting lung cancer, Having a baby

Character: Twins, 

Fox 21 developed the show but FOX Network is what they are subsidiary of 
Fox 21 Television Studios also produced the series
They won the 2012 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series and the Golden Globe award for Best Television Series
It had been the 10th anniversary for 9/11

The genre was a thriller

Tuesday 6th December 2022

L/O: To explore the narrative theme & characters in set episode.
Characters - 

Brodie - Returning hero/Terrorist, Family man, Solider, White, Male, Middle Class, Heterosexual

Mike - Bet Friend of Brody, Love interest of Jess, Traditional representations, beer/football games, helped Jess around the house 

Jess - Brody's wife/ Mikes love interest, mum, housewife, attractive, sexual object

Carrie - Protagonist, CIA agent, female, strong career, disliked, confrontational, driven and focussed but lacks compassion, hyper fixated on doing the right thing, mental health issues, sexual role/ predator  

Saul - Her mentor, her confident, reliable, sensible, in control, only one with faith in Carrie

David - Boss deputy director of the CIA, criticise carrie a lot, relationship with her, political in his moves

Abu Nasir - Main antagonist 

Main Narrative

War veteran comes home after being gone for 8 years and presumed dead. Has been turned by terrorists from an american soldier to a terrorist yet no one understands or knows apart from carrie who has her suspicions 

Sub Plots

Brody's wife has slept with his best friend and had a relationship with him while he was away. Carries mental health 

Enigma codes -

Why did Brody kill Tom Walker?
Why was he lying about it?
why was he focussed on the Whitehouse?
Why is he lying about Abu-Nasir?
Why did he lie to his wife?
What is the attack?
Will Carrie find him out? Will Carrie get sent to prison? 

Tuesday 13th December 2022

Narratology: Todorov 

Equilibrium -

Working at the CIA no threat to security 
Power with the east as US don't suspect 
Carrie is unstable and not trustworthy

Disruption -

Brody's release/discovery initiates the suspicion on Carrie

Recognition of disruption -

Confides in Saul
Positions men as higher than women 

Attempt of resolution -

Spies illegally on him
Positions her as unstable, crazy, not trusted, not reliable 

New equilibrium -

None as it is a long form TV drama

Genre Theory: Neale 

Thriller/Espionage/Drama - hybrid of genres, uses codes and conventions from all 3 genres. 

As a genre become more popular over recent years, as a result of 9/11 the spies genre has re-emerged in popularity.

Homeland and industry context

L/O: to explore the production, social & political context of set products. 

Historical context - 

In 2001 terrorists crashed into both of the twin towers in New York and created world wide panic for a terrorist threat. This meant that the national security was a priority for most countries.

Industry Context - 

No women 
Old cars 
Very busy
Use of a steady-cam, shows chaos and panic 
Run down prison
Noose for hanging
Barbed wire
Military guards with guns
US seen as upper class and suits 
Women is mean to look attractive 
Only women so far is in US (other than Carrie)

Tuesday 17th January 2023

Brody Analysis

An antihero is a main character who lacks conventional hero qualities 

An antagonist is a character who actively opposes someone or something

Brody appearance - 

Long overgrown matted hair suggests he has been there a while
Very malnourished pale face suggests he hasn't eaten well 
Prisoner of war & Victim - Sympathise with him

What happens in the scene, Brody comes home to his family and gives a speech to people all over USA but before this he had been vomiting in a plane and didn't look ready at all.

His family is represented as very awkward and nervous to say anything, Brody looks as if he is ashamed or apologetic as he tries not to look at them for too long or keep any eye contact. But after that we see the family get very emotional.

The vice president is represented as very respected and confident. 

Doesn't emotionally react to the death of his mother shows he is desensitised to it & he doesn't see death as a very big thing. 

The representations of Brody in the text initially are that he lacks a lot of emotion towards anything, this is seen when he gets told by his wife that his mother had died 4 years prior to his rescue and through Mise En Scene we see that he shows little to no emotion on his face and brushes over it as if nothing had just been said. This may have links to him being desensitised to death due to being at war and then being held in captivity of 8 years. We can link this back to the theorist Van Zoonen as they had said that the media portrays very stereotypical views on gender roles, we can link this back to the text because an old fashioned masculine trait is that men show no emotion and are very upstanding and that if a man were to show emotion they were portrayed as weak. This is seem in Brody as he portrays this very well with his lack of emotion shown 

Tuesday 25th January 2023

Gauntlett - Says about the idea that in todays world people can choose who they identify with and the lifestyle that they want 

Brody is now being represented as suspicious and untrustworthy since we have seen this interview scene, in it we can see a very clear lie from Brody which is linked with a flashback to give evidence to the audience that he is in fact lying. This creates a sense of suspicion within the scene because it causes the whole room to go quiet, even though they are unaware that he is for definite lying we can gain a sense of tension in the room just with the use of close ups and facial expressions This therefore puts the audience in a much higher role as they know everything that is happening before it has happened in the show, we can then link this back to our media theorist Gauntlett because us as the audience can identify with Carrie a lot as we will believe the things she is saying therefore putting the audience and that character within the same bubble. This would have differed if we did not see the flashback though as it would have seemed that Carrie was a crazy person who is putting large amounts of pressure on an american hero who has survived 8 years outside of his own country at war. This puts into perspective how important the flashback was for this scene and how much it changed the audiences minds on the entire situation. 

Tuesday 31st January 2023

L/O: explore the representations and theory in set products.  

Erratic movement when taking drugs
Showing lots of emotion 
Attempt to seduce colleague 
Constantly touching her hair
Fidgeting a lot when lying in bed
In a hurry to find an outfit 
Cannot make up mind in closet
In the opening of homeland mental illness is represented in a negative way through Carrie. This is shown in various different scenes, 

Baudrillard says about the ideas of post modernism in media texts 

Carrie is unique, provocative, sexualised, 
She is also 

Tuesday 7th February 2023

Gender - 

- Female is capable of brilliance 
- Always intelligent capable but not listened to or supported
- Carrie was always capable but rejected because female, unreliable  

patriarchal society = men in charge 

The Killing

Tuesday 7th February 2023

- Created by: Søren Sveistrup 
- Produced by DR in co-production with ZDF Enterprises.
- The show won a BAFTA Award and an International Emmy.
- The first ten episodes were shown on DR1 each Sunday from early January to the middle of March 2007
- Massed a very large audience 

Overview & Narrative of season 1 -

Main Narrative Quest/Conflict Setup 

Nanna Birk is Larsen is missing and then her body is found, find out how she was murdered, who did it.

Enigma Codes

Individual Character Narratives 1

Oliver - Her ex-boyfriend

Sarah Lund - Boss and is leaving her job & country - moving to Sweden with her partner. Prioritises her job over partner and son 
Troels Hartman - Politician - has a leak in his campaign, relationship with his secretary - is suggested to be a bit dodgy. Corrupt politics as a theme. 

Pernille Theis - Parents explore their lives, working class lives, but respectable and hard working 

Tuesday 28th February 2023

Nordic Noir is an umbrella term used to describe scandinavian crime fiction. It is a hybrid police procedural drama with elements of family drama and melodrama. This mix was intended to attract both male and female audiences.

- outdoors

- Low key lighting - 
use of torches 
dimmed lights 
investigation in building

- Rain in opening scene - 
reflect dark reality, muted skies 

- Establishing shot - 
grey shot 
brown fields 
open spaces 
real investigation location

linked to white 
working class 
questionable morals 

working class 
lack of funds for home upkeep

Prioritise family 

Genre Theory: Neale 

Social context issues

- Crime 
- Murder

- Financial Crisis
Water leaking from the washer in the kitchen 

- Family Issues 
Not knowing her sons hockey team name 

Tuesday 7th March 2023

Normal Mother - 
They've shown a close up on her face when looking towards her sleeping son.
They have also given us an over the shoulder shot of her sons bedroom.

Partner - 
Long shot of embrace/hug 
Mis en scene of costume choice reveals a shot of her in her underwear, could possibly link back to being comfortable in her own home for that she is comfortable around her partner and relationship. Could also possibly link to a more sexual thing.

Van Zoonen says in her feminist theory is that women are objectified in media and the idea of feminine and masculine roles are constructed through media and different performances of these roles

Butler says that gender is created through gender roles and basic stereotypes but this creates gender trouble when someone doesn't fit into the heterosexual norms that we have created

Representation of Sarah 

Leader - Dialogue, Questions
Focused - Overhead shot of crime scene 
Brave - Torch Lighting, Close up on evidence 
Fearless - Close up on blood and hand/face - not phased 
Strong - Follows evidence alone
Respected - Mise en scene, went to the lengths of throwing a party for her 
Dedicated - She works no matter the conditions, mise en scene 

Fun/Laid Back - Mise en scene of her enjoying her party and not worrying about work in that moment

Sarah and Carrie are represented in a number of different ways in both their texts some more similar than others, for example they are both strong and determined to do their job and to do it well. We see this in Sarah through the use of her going down into a torch lit room by herself and finding evidence yet being unfazed. There is a lot of mise en scene in this scene alone to describe how strong Sarah is, the dim/dark lighting reflects that this particular job is not that pleasant  and is a rather gritty task yet she is still up for it, this act reflects back on her character proving she is a strong women figure who is driven for her job. We can also see a close up shot of her face when she sees evidence, they have used this shot to show her facial expressions and how she has reacted to what she has just seen but as the audience we notice that she is completely unfazed by this and carries on. This then links back to her character and how she is strong and determined. This could then also link back to Butlers Theory and how she said that gender representations are not fixed and do change overtime, it is unusual for us to see a women play such an important role within her job this could suggest them trying to change the basic stereotypes of gender roles and representations within the media. We also see that Carrie is a strong and determined character similar to Sarah as she is willing to go the lengths just to find out what she needs. Her breaking into Brody's family home and placing camera and microphones all over the place is a good example to prove this. Although it is not the most conventional way to do her job it shows she is willing to go to different length compared to her peers, we can prove she is an outstanding character from the rest of her work place as when she had told her very good work friend about what she had done we can see that he did not agree at all through the use of dialogue in the scene where Carrie sat down with him and spoke about it all

Tuesday 14th March 2023

Both are dressed in a respectful manner which is suitable for their jobs.
Both have something either in their hand or on their clothing to suggest they are at work
Carrie's hair is quite well done whereas Sarah's is messy, possibly just because of wether conditions

Colour of flag difference reflects culture 
in the hands of the enemy - refers to the police force or the previous wars between the two countries 

Carrie - 
Not respected - Targeted 
Context : Reflects USA viewpoints that gender is not equal and women are inferior 

Sarah - 
Respected - Asserts her position to continue the search 
Context: Gender should be equal reflected in her role 

Carrie - 
Not trusted by even her work friends - told to get evidence outside of work instead of just believing her 
Context: when she's not being respected in the workplace it makes it difficult for her to be trusted there linking back to that idea that USA believe women are inferior. 

Sarah - 
Is trusted by work - Goes on solo missions proving she's trusted to get the evidence needed safely

Characters like Sarah Lund become more layered and complex and they resist any attempts to show box their roles 

Van Zoonen - Gender roles change, performance 
Historical + cultural context 
In media representations females are 'objectified'

Gauntlett - Identity 
Different messages 
Sarah - Career focused, not just a mother, can be both

Tuesday 21st March 2023

Representations of gender in the killing - 

Sarah - Being an independent person
          - Strong hardworking female 
          - Prioritises work over family
Penile - Family central to her life 
           - Job is an important role, managerial, responsible 
Meyer - Stereotypically not represented as professional 
           - Unorganised, gun poster, basketball net 
Theis - Family focussed 

Hall says that there is no one true meaning and by trying to subvert a stereotype you create a new one suggesting there is only one true meaning.

Lack of gender equality in the USA 
Sexualised Female
Mental health issues 

How are the lead protagonists in Homeland & The Killing used to reflect societal issues?

The lead protagonist in Homeland is used to reflect societal issues about mental health and how its viewed from the media. We see this in Carries character and how her mental health has been almost disrespected in a way through the CIA, Carrie mentioning that she wouldn't have gotten the job with them if they knew about her mental health shows how looked down on it is. This therefore puts Carrie at a disadvantage as we see characters like Brody who is a male getting applause for his PTSD and dealing with it but the opposite happens when it comes to Carrie, the production team of homeland have purposely made it so that she is villainised and demonised for having these problems within her character which links back to her being the female character with mental health issue that no one supports or trusts This then suggests that the american idea of a women in power is very much not in favour for the most part and therefore they have made the female role with power the weakest of the bunch and a very flawed character overall. 

This links to the theorist 

Tuesday 28th March 2023


Levi Strauss suggested that most narratives in media forms such as books and film have opposing main characters. Binary oppositions 

This applies to the scene we have just looked at through, 
professionalism and unprofessionalism 
violence and love 

Diegetic sound - Dialogue, Sarah shuts down Meyers comments on her career choice by directing the conversation back to the investigation

Barthes - non-diegetic sound - Professionalism, highlights her thought process + focus on the investigation 

Larsen Family -
Loving family 
Close up of Theis/Penille 
Non diegetic sound emphasis the upbeat nature 
Economic situation, duct tape on the 

Bell Hooks - Intersectionality 

Tuesday 25th April 2023


Equilibrium: Sarah is in a committed in a relationship & respected at work
Disruption: Missing person turns to a murder 
Recognition of disruption: Sarah visits the Larsens home and ask about their daughter 
Attempt to solve: Sarah sets out for a search, changing her plans to move to Sweden and stays in Denmark 
New equilibrium:  

Equilibrium: Carrie working at the CIA and disrespected at work
Disruption: Brody returns home after 8 years of being a prisoner at war
Recognition of disruption: Talks to Saul suspecting that Brody may be a terrorist
Attempt to solve: Carrie finds out Brody is sending messages on live television using different hand signals and she put cameras illegally into his family home 
New equilibrium:

Penille and Thies home scene

Tension is built up using dialogue and close camera work

Sound is built up using diegetic dialogue we can hear Penille's voice speed up as Thies is leaving the house while we hear this dialogue we can also hear the non diegetic sound in the background slowly build and pick up more as the scene goes on. 

Sarah & her son car scene 

the dialogue represents that the mother and son don't have the best of relationships as they are bickering and the mother doesn't even know the name of her sons hockey team that he is on.

Sarah is in the car and not the family home to reflect that she doesn't have time for her own son, builds tension, constantly moving,

Investigation and search continues 

Sarah represented as the boss and the one in charge of it all 

The tension between her and jan represents that she has all the power and is ignoring him entirely because she knows that she is better than him

Carrie shows this same level of arrogance in homeland when she decided to put cameras in Brody's home due to an instinct she had about him which ended up being true in the end 


whilst on the phone with her fiancé, they give the audience a close up of Sarahs face which tells us that she is concerned and not listening to what he is saying on the other end of the phone now. 

They have chosen to use that same non diegetic sound they have used throughout the entire episode where Sarah finds something detrimental out. 

Scene is filmed in a way where it keeps switching between all of our main characters and showing their emotions to this news and how it has come about. this also helps build up that tension in the scene. the director positions the audience in a place of knowing as we know and understand everything that is going on in this scene 

Tuesday 9th May 2023 

The Killing: Analysis

Ideologies: An ideology is a set of beliefs and values shared by a group of people.
Viewpoints: The perspective of an individual

Sarah Narrative: Sarah's narrative is that she is set to join her family and move to Sweden but she ends up getting into a big murder investigation which postpones her being able to go overseas to live there. 

Trolles Narrative: Trolles hartmann is a politician who has a secret affair with his secretary at work, 

Todorov can be applied to individual narratives just as much as the main ones. 

How is individualism presented in The Killing: 

The way Sarah brushes off Mayer whenever he presents Sarah with an idea to do with the investigation shows individualism in the killing, we also see that she comes up with her own ideas/solutions to solve the investigation. We see this specifically in the scene where Sarah and mayer are standing in the middle of a field, we are given a close up shot of Sarah with Mayer looking over her shoulder and almost feeding her ideas on how to go about his investigation but she ignores him and walks off the screen. We later see that this is the right thing to do and that she was right to do her own thing which therefore shows individualism in The Killing. 

Gilroy Theory: Says that because of post colonialism we now criminalise immigrants in British culture 

1) She does her job without acting any different around any of her colleagues while getting to the bottom of the investigation.
2) She is dressed appropriately for work, has no makeup on, has not done up her hair at all.
4) We see that in when she takes the phone call to tell her husband that she will not be boarding the flight that will take them to Sweden but instead is staying in Denmark to work on the case
Tuesday 16th May

Stereotypes - 

Victim - Stereotypical young female victim of sexual abuse 

Politicians - they are represented as corrupt using unsportsmanlike tac-tics to get the role that they want  

Police - Police is portrayed as predominantly male but we do have counter stereotypes here where Sarah is the head boss of everyone

Swedish Nationality - 

Family Unit - We see multiple stereotypes on family on being thies and penielle family where its very basic where the man goes out and works and the women stays at home doing house chores, but we can also see counter stereotypes with Sarah being that single parent and having to make all the money for her child.

Racism - 

Audience Theory: Bandura 

Media influences people even if we are not exposed to it.

How does Bandura apply to stereotypes in the killing? 

It applies in many ways one for example is how we view politics, most everyday people see politicians and sneaky and corrupt and the killing only ever reenforces this idea. We also see how the workplaces such as the police is presented as predominantly male.

Realism -

Events - 
Nana Running Away, Penielle gets sister to watch the kids, Student Debate as school, Cut funding for schools

Characters - 
Thies: responsibilities like family being a provider 
Jan: Realistic, complains, lots of flaws 

Ideology - 
Ideas/Ideals, consumerism; dishwasher big house

Narrative - 
Sarah moving away disrupts sons school life, Thies not taking the racist comment very serious

Baudrillard - 

Postmodernism is when something in a media happens that the audience may not expect or something that takes modern reality and twists it slightly

Baudrillard says that in media we have a sense of reality

Simulacra - Artificial copy 

Hyperreality - when it becomes hard to tell apart reality and non reality

Baudrillard is very hard to link to the killing but we can certainly see that it is not a real life product but yet a simulacra because we know that all media is not the real life thing but just an ideal world of it all painted out to be real. 

Tuesday 6th June

Participatory culture is the idea that the development of new media allows the audience to be active and creative participants rather than simply passive consumers

Audience members become textual poachers taking aspects from media texts to create their own content

Convergence culture - media is shared, adapted and consumed constantly on a range of different platforms

Spreadable media - Content that is adapted by audience members for their own purpose and shared with others

Shirky: End of an audience 

Technological developments have changed the relationships between media producers and audiences.

In the past media producers created content for audiences, now content can be created by audiences 

Prosumers have different motivations to professional media producers.

This can create cognitive surplus, where potentially large numbers of people give their time and expertise to create something. 

Audiences can no longer be seen as a single mass of people. Audiences engage differently with media products across different platforms, with some audience members now creating or adapting media products themselves

Question 3: Synoptic

How far = judgement has to be made
Context influence needs to be explored, all of them; historical, political, economic, social, cultural
Analysis of the texts and theory applied 
Refer to all the theoretical framework, media language, audience, representations , industry 

30 MARKS 50 Minutes

Tuesday 13th June

I agree that TV dramas represent social groups differently as we can see in the killing Sarah is represented as a strong independent women who is good at her job and very respected in the workplace whereas we can see that Carrie on the other hand is completely different and she is pushed to the side at the work place, this is due to her having mental health issues and not being one hundred percent professional with the way she attempts certain things to find out the information she needs for her investigation, we know this with Carrie because of the scene where we see her take the medication from the cupboard, the audience is given a close up shot on Carries hand as she is holding the medication and then when she takes them not leaving it up for interpretation as we see everything thats happened in that scene. The producers have deliberately chosen to show us everything in this scene to not leave the audience to guess whether she has problems or not.

Question 4 - Media Theory Representation
10 Marks 17 Minutes to plan & mark
P1: Define the theory - briefly explain key assets of theory.
P2: First reason why its useful/relevant - what does it help us understand? Link to set product.
P3: Second reason why its useful/relevant exemplify this by linking to set product.
P4: Third reason why its useful/ relevant exemplify this by linking to set product.
P5: State any possible limitations of the theory - interrogate weakness of the theory .
P6: Briefly conclude - evaluate overall usefulness of theory.

Tuesday 4th July


- Yes they incorporate conventions viewpoints and ideologies of the country
- Context 
- Conventions viewpoints and ideologies - contexts
- Theory 
- Judgement 
- Theoretical framework

Conventions of homeland
- The CIA 
- Terrorism 
- Flash back editing

Conventions of a Spy/Thriller:
Based in CIA - Cultural context - USA based well known agency 
Secrecy in Brody narrative, lies in his interrogation, shown through the ML editing use of flashbacks. Ideologies link - through suspicion hidden enemy. Links to the fear in society of the enemy within, stemming from the cold war ideas of the 1960's

Fear of terrorism and the need to fight it. Carries desperation to save the USA and protect it from Brody. Hidden threat. Bagdad scene close up shots of Carrie to show her desperation of the need to protect country from terrorism. Link to social context - fears in society. Link to historical context - 9/11, political context - Wars on the political agenda - can be seen to influence reflects that sense  

I agree that the conventions used in homeland reflects on America as a whole, we can see this from looking into just what the drama is based around in the very first episode. The use of the CIA give us cultural context within the show as it is a very well known USA based agency, we can also see that secrecy has a very big part to play in homeland as such in the USA. With Brody coming over from bagdad after years of being held captive we know he then goes on to lie about certain points of his captivity and his partner us as the audience can gather that he is lying from the use of editing used in the show giving us flashbacks to the events that he is talking about. This then links back to Americas conventions as they have previously had very large scale terrorist attack unlike any other country from people who were seen as by the Americans to be a citizen of their nation 

Question 4 

LFTVD's often attempt to reach international audiences by showing representations that everyone can resinate with no matter where you're from for example how in the killing we can empathise with the Larsons as they have just lost their child and no matter where you're from this is a very universal thing. Also a little bit different but still has the same effect with homeland anyone and everyone can feel under threat by another country or a secret spy terrorist attack and that just as the Larson losing their child anyone can relate to that feeling or empathise with it 

Monday 8th January 

Q3 Political context practise 

Cultural issue in homeland would be their criticising of the government and how it focusses on the media perception on Brodie as opposed to how he actually is. This represents the government in a very bad light as instead of making Brodie feel okay after being held captive for the past 8 years their first thought is how they will monetise it and how it will be perceived by the publics eyes. This is seen in the scene where Brodie is on the plane and feeling sick, the use of diegetic sound of him throwing up displays the uncomfortableness of the feeling on the plain. He then mentions that he feels sick and no ones thinks to help him out or comfort him after being away for that long. This then can link in to theorist Gerber as he says about having exposure to certain media forms can alter the audiences behaviour and how they perceive certain information which we can see heavily in America.

Political context are shown in the killing a very different way as opposed to criticising their government we can see that they portray them as if there is hope. This is shown physically through mise en scene and also shown in the dialogue of one of the scene where Trolles is talking to the current mayor. We can see is physically as the building they're in suggests that their politics are very grand and big while putting the MP's and politicians on a pedestal as they are perceived as higher up in the hierarchy. We also see in this scene that glimpse of hope 

Monday 29th April 


Jess and Mike affair - Jess is Brody's wife and Mike is Brody's best friend, while he is away his wife and best friend had an affair.

Carries mental health - Carrie takes antidepressants

Dana and Chris kids - 

Jess and Brody - relationship breaking down 

Spy genre has resurfaced and become more popular since the events of 9/11

TODOROV'S Media Narrative Theory 
Equilibrium - Disruption - Recognition of disruption - Resolution - New equilibrium 


Thriller genre - genre is shown to us through style, lighting, camerawork, sound, editing 
In the opening scene its very dark and dim lighting, reenforcing the genre 
Fast paced editing with dramatic sounds to match 
steady cam to match the chasing scene 

TODOROV'S Media Narrative Theory for the killing

Equilibrium - Sarah Lund is a detective who is planning on moving to Sweden
Disruption - Missing person 
Recognition of disruption - Finding out it was a school girl who has gone missing 
Resolution - Taking on the investigation before she goes away to Sweden postponing her moving in 
New equilibrium - Not found yet

Sarah Lund is respected as a women in the workplace shown through the party they had over her leaving and the note that was left, whereas Carrie is not and she is dismissed on multiple occasions in the first episode and not trusted 

Tuesday 30th April 


Intro - 
Context of production and consumption 
Homeland, talk about Hesmondhalgh and Curren & Seaton then bring in context 
The killing, talk about Hesmondhalgh then bring in context 

Paragraph 1&2 - 
Conventions incorporated in 
Homeland - Talk about Neale and genre theory for Todorov then bring in context
The killing -  Talk about Neale and genre theory for Todorov then bring in context

Paragraph 3&4 - 
Viewpoints and ideologies 
Homeland - Western superiority, talk about Gilroy's theory then bring in context
The killing - Gender equality, talk about butler then bring in context 
Conclusion - 
They do incorporate them

In Homeland we can see various different ideologies and viewpoints being portrayed as a result of it being made by and american company and american organisation, from this we see the idea of western superiority is very prominent in homeland. This is shown to us through their use of certain eastern ideologies and stereotypes that put american society on a pedestal in comparison to the eastern society which is being put down (more specifically Bagdad) We can then link this back to our media theory Gilroy who talks about

In The Killing we also see viewpoint and ideologies being showcased through the use of gender equality and how, opposed to Carrie in Homeland, Sarah Lund is a women in the workplace as a high level of her work and is respected as a women rather than disregarded and disrespected. 


  1. 10/1- you were absent from the lesson, please complete the work missed on my blog.

  2. 16/1- Good start to your analysis, T: finish 4. Link this to theory (who applies here)
    5. Link to context historically (what does it reveal and the time of production?)

  3. 31/1- Go onto my blog, screen shot the image of the theory table and upload to your blog please. This will show what you are missing and what you need to complete by the 20th Feb.

  4. 28/2- You could benefit from much more detail in your notes so that when you refer back to this for revision it is helpful.

  5. 7/3- Great start to your comparison here, good work. T: try to link in theory to your points, remember Butler is female.

  6. 21/3- Good opening key element to investigate in terms of societal issues. T1: Link these examples to what this suggests about the values of America, what does this tell us about them as a country?

  7. 25/4- Good notes from the analysis, you need to structure your notes with headings for relevant scenes.

  8. 16/5- Excellent notes from the lesson discussions and understanding of theory.

  9. 6/6- You need to note down the plan and also attempt Q3.


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