Friday 30th September 

Lights Camera Action

Shot Type 

Establishing Shot - usually used in opening of a scene or transition between scenes. Can introduce alot of different things.

Master Shot - Usually used to emphasis who's in the scene. Captures the scene in its entirety.

Wide Shot - used when you need to make a character seem lost or overwhelmed. Usually shows isolation. Similar to an establishing but has people in instead.

Long Shot - used to present a character in their entirety 

Medium Long - from waist and above and the angle a little bit below the person so they look confident and confrontational and powerful

Mid Shot - Neutral shot, middle of the torso and above usually 

Medium Close Up -  captures reaction change well

Close Up - shows empathy within the characters

Extreme Close Up - highlights one specific area of the face (usually eyes) 

Insert Shot - extreme close up on an abject rather than a person, highlights importance 

Camera Angle

Low Angle - Used to make character to look more powerful. Not confined to human subjects.

High Angle - Typically used to establish landscapes, areas. Used to dwarf the character and make them seem more weak (opposite to the low angle)

Birdseye View - Directly above the character 

Dutch Tilt - Tilt the camera angle slightly to magnify tension

Eye Level - Creates an instant connection between character and viewer

Shoulder Level - often used during convocations, frequently become and over the shoulder shot. 

Hip Level - Often linked to cowboy movies because of the gun holster, usually used to create tension 

Knee Level - Often find themselves as low angles 

Ground Level - Placed on the ground or sometimes below the ground, used to track a characters movement throughout a scene. 


Clean Singles - features one character along in the frame, character is the primary focus. Best used to convey a characters isolation 

Dirty Single - you have part of another character within the frame but not a properly visible part

Two Shot - Creates a visual relationship between who characters 

Over The Shoulder - Usually singles out one person

Point Of View - Can be a POV of whatever you want, usually paired with POV audio so we can also hear what they hear. 

Insert Shot - These can be combined with POV shots but is usually used to highlight a single object  

Camera Movement 

Static shot - Has zero camera movement, good for dialogue. Allows actor to shine also used to trap a character and showcase their helplessness.

Pan - Used to show something else off camera but still in the same scene. 

Whip Pan - Very fast movement to showcase a relationship between tow character and amp up the scene

Tilt - used to show vulnerability setting or scale.

Push In - Camera physically moves, directs our attention to a specific detail. 

Pull Out - showcase the entirety of the scene. Can also show abandonment and loneliness/isolation.

Zoom - can be in or out, zooming out can show the context of the characters. Most horror movies use a slow zoom to showcase eeriness 

Crash zoom, very quick sudden zoom in or out

Tracking shot, Move with the subject, makes the audience wonder two questions, where i the character going and what will they do when they get there, can also be used to build tension

Rule Of Thirds


The initial scene from spider man no way home is a zoom in close up on spider mans face t showcase the expression on his face, it then moves to an over the shoulder mid shot still following the same 180 degrees rule which shows spider man on top of a pole looking at the screen, from this shot type we can still see spider mans expression and but now we get a closer look at why his expression is so shocked. After this we then see a zoom in crowd shot with the main characters face looking towards the camera 


The camera work in my shootout video was good but would have benefitted from a steadier hand or possibly a tripod could have helped out. My sound fitted well with the video and the video style although it did lack some variety, although it was only a 2 minute clip. 


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