
Tabloid -

A tabloid newspaper consists of very bright re colours and big bold headlines and uses, unlike a broadsheet a wide range of different slang terms and phrases to try and appeal to the audience more because tabloid's usually aim to be targeted towards a much younger audience. Tabloids can also be recognised as red tops due to the bright red colours on the masthead usually linked with magazines like the daily mirror and the sun

Broadsheet - 

A broadsheet news paper consists of one big image and it littered with writing and information all over and unlike a tabloid the language in a broadsheet is very much proper English and does not speak with slang at all. 

In this we can see a very right wing and very left wing opinion on politics. In the mirror we can see them almost excluding Tories as credible by making sure everyone knew it was the Tory's who said it. And in the daily mail we can see that they are very much celebrating with the use of the word 'Finally!' 

One complaint that was made against the daily mail 'They allow harassment and bully against public figures. Allowing vile comments when anyone complains against the abuse they get shut down. ' this is a regulation issue as the person is complaining about how the daily mail, online newspaper is allowing harassment and bullying therefore proving that the comments made on the daily mail's online site are not regulated at all. Which further leans into how much newspapers can get away with no regulation their online news anywhere near as much as they can on the print editions.

Representations on Gender in Homeland

In homeland we see many different representations on gender especially with the main character Carrie. with her being the main character we can tell from this that the show is trying to fight the main stereotypes of females in the big main roles that we used to not see much of, but along with that we do see that she has a medication problem and takes a lot of pills in the first episode. Whether this is a stereotype linking to the fact that she is a women in such a high role at her job is made for the audience to understand and/or challenge 

Representations of Patriotism in Homeland

We can see in the character Carrie a very strong representation of patriotism as she is the main pioneer to bringing Brodie to justice and stopping him from committing terrorist acts on America. We can also see the extreme measures she goes too to make other people aware of this situation. We can also see the heroism in Brodie when he returns from the middle east and how he is praised as this American hero that has returned to America after being away for 8 years. This is very obvious in the scene where you have all the military people in the room

Representations of Mental Health in Homeland

We see mental health representations in homeland in characters such as Carrie. We se in multiple scenes where she is very stressed out about Brodie and has to take her medication in a rush as she leaves the door, this shows very negative representations of mental health and almost shows it as a problem and that she has to take medication to be 'normal' as such. It also suggests that she not completely there as he is the only one in the tv drama who is going the extra mile to try and stop Brodie from doing what he is doing but coincidentally she is also the only one with mental health issues so these 2 things could definitely be linked in some way

What are the key representations present in Homeland?  

Some of the key representations in homeland would be Gender inequality, for example in homeland we can see the character Carrie getting treated differently in the work place after turning up late for her meeting. This could be taken as gender inequality as she has been misjudged in her ways. We can also see that no body is taking her serious and her opinions are almost pushed to the side as if no body cares or is bothered by her and her things that she has to share, disregarding her ideas, this could possibly be linked to the fact that she is a main role female character.

Question 4 DIRT -

1) Define the theory, briefly explain key aspects of theory 
2) First reason why it's useful / relevant, what does it help us ti understand? Link to set product
3) Second reason why it's useful / relevant, exemplify this by linking to set product
4) Third reason why its useful / relevant, exemplify this by linking to set product 
5) State any possible limitations of the theory, Interrogate weaknesses of the theory 
6) Briefly conclude, evaluate overall usefulness of the theory

Butlers theory states that gender roles and how they have been performed is how we perceive these genders at hand therefore through repetition and ritual of the performance of gender roles make it more naturalised and fluent. This can create problems such as 'gender trouble' for those people who do not fit those heterosexual norms in society, for example, non-binary people. 

In the killing we see these gender performances in characters such as the man who is taking over the head of police and how he has performed being a stereotypical male character 

Explain how the production & distribution of major Hollywood films have changed since the 1960's Refer to the two versions of the jungle book to support your answer. 

The production and distribution of major Hollywood films has changed a lot from 1960's to today from marketing to how the movie is being spread across the country and internationally. For example in 1967 we can see that the marketing strategies for the movie the jungle book were very different and a lot more narrow compared to what we know today, They had made movie posters which would have been place in and around cinemas to attract people into watching their movie at cinemas as this would have been the only place you could watch it at the time due to Disney not selling any of their movie right to TV at the time. We would have also seen them make movie trailers which would have been played in the cinemas and in the cinemas only before other movies of the time or before the jungle book screening itself. And as for the distribution it would have been a lot more difficult to get the movie across to all the cinemas in America at the time let alone internationally, They would have had to take the film rolls and transport them physically where they could be played then. 

Whereas in the 2010's Jungle book (2016) there are many more ways in which the marketing,  distribution and production has changed initially we know now that there is no such thing as film rolls in todays day and age. We have it all digitally which makes it much easier and much cheaper to be able to send the movies around to all the different cinemas and it also makes it much easier for films like the jungle book to be watch internationally. We are able to do this differently from the 1960's due to a proliferation of technology and advancements that have taken movies and film to a whole new level. An example of this would be how Disney decided to market their movie differently, in the 2016's rendition of the jungle book they had multiple different ways of getting people to talk about their movie, they made a Virtual reality experience in which the players could meet the different characters in the movie one on one which was a very surreal experience for all the jungle book fans to be able to actually see the characters in person as if they were there with them. They also played their various different trailers at very specific times to be able to target the audience they were aiming at which would've been teenage boys. They did this by playing their trailers duo advert breaks on American sports channels such as ESPN and more importantly when they released the trailer itself they timed it so it would come on during the super bowl adverts which is the biggest sports event in the entirety of America where a lot of teenage boys would have been tuned in. 

To what extent has the proliferation and convergent nature of technology impacted the video games industry?

The proliferation of technology has impacted video games greatly because we can now see how easy it has become to create something on the similar scale to Minecraft yet back then it was completely new and that is why it worked so well. The idea of having updates to the game as it was being played was completely foreign to gamers at that point in time and were very used to having to buy the separate DLC's for them to be able to progress any further. Due to Minecraft's innovation and use of new technology at the time we can see that they had great success using what is now considered standard and a very simple marketing model for all video games producers to copy and use as a template for future games. We can also see how technology has accepted the gaming industry as there are numerous amounts of ways that we can now consume and play certain video games. The introduction of the VR headset is a prime example of this as we are now able to play the game in real time and not just staring and using the screen in front of us, this therefore has greatly effected the video gams industry as it changes how games are made and not just consumed. Many big producers are now looking into how they could profit further from one game and the use of VR we help this so they shall look forward to creating video games that are able to cater towards all devices and not just one or two of them. 

We can also see how the convergent nature of technology effects the video games industry because we are not seeing a lot more ways of consuming video games whether that be via a computer, games console or even your mobile phone. Mobile phones are a very good example on how convergence in media and technology has effect the video games industry because we are now able to play these video games, including Minecraft, wherever we please as originally a mobile phone wouldn't have been able to have all  these different apps we now can and therefore it has grown the gaming industry at a rapid rate, skyrocketing into the mainstream media as a big source of income for them. We can also see from this that aolt more people have started to play video games because of its ease of accessibility.


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